巴爾博亞教育總監Alan Murray先生專訪

“四度春風化綢繆,幾番秋雨洗鴻溝。春播桃李三千圃,秋來碩果滿神州“幾句簡短的詩詞想必是對中國的教育事業精耕細作了25年的Alan Murray先生最好的詮釋。從在美國紐約州立大學學習中國歷史學開始,Alan就對中國文化和教育產生了濃厚的興趣。而後來到中國,成為了一名外籍教師。在漫長的教學歲月裡,通曉了中國的教學體制,也充分瞭解到中國學生的學習規律。融匯貫通,結合中西方的教育差異,使其完美的融合為一體。現在,Alan作為巴爾博亞國際教育的教育總監,十分願意把自己經驗帶給我們中國學生。今天,我們很榮幸邀請到Alan先生參與我們的採訪,讓我們一起聽聽看他對當下熱門的國際教育有什麼看法和見解。

“It’s very exciting to see the BIE dual diploma hk program grow and spread throughout China and I’m proud to be a part of this adventure.”
“我感到十分高興可以看到 BIE 雙學歷專案在中國發展和傳播,很自豪能成為這次探索經歷的一份子“”
——Alan Murray


Alan Murray


以下為Alan Murray 先生採訪節選:

Q: Since your teaching experience in China, What do you think of the difference between the two educational environments in China and the United States?


A: The main goals are the same – to educate the future leaders of our countries. This can include political, scientific, and business leaders.

The differences are in the details of how we educate our children. In the U.S. there is a greater emphasis on teaching teamwork and there is a greater emphasis on extracurricular activities. In China the emphasis is on successfully passing examinations that open doors to further education and the best jobs in the future.


Q: What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese students in receiving international education?


A: The students I meet are excited about the opportunities an international education offers for their academic careers, future employment, and personal development. They tend to be very bright students with few weaknesses academically but most of them would probably tell you they struggle with English.


Q: What are the characteristics of the courses brought to students in the BIE teaching system?


A:There are times when we use a more traditional education method where teachers are the center of the classroom and the students are expected to learn the material as it’s presented to them. However, we also emphasize the importance of “flipping” the classroom where the students take a more active role in what they are learning and are expected to work in groups to complete assignments. Our goal for the future is for students to work on projects where they will research topics on-line and in their school libraries, write up their conclusions as a team, and present their ideas to their teachers and classmates using a variety of media.


Q: How to cultivate students’ global vision and academic ability?


A: We expect our teachers to have a passion for their subjects because their enthusiasm will be infectious. Students who are learning in this environment are far more likely to enjoy and excel at their studies. They are also more likely to be curious about their foreign teachers and the experiences they can descibe from their home counties and their travels around the world. Our goal is to help our students think internationally and our purpose is to provide them with the education they need to join our integrated, global world.


Q: How to achieve the integration of international courses and Chinese local courses?


A: BIE has been successful integrating our courses with our students’ regular curriculum because we have listened to the needs of all of our stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, high school administrators, and our partner schools in general.


Q: Finally, let us talk about a relaxed topic. In your teaching experience, have you had any memorable and interesting things?


A: I remember my very first class in China. The students had happy smiles and seemed very eager. However, I wasn’t sure if I was really connecting with them so at the end of the class I asked “Can everyone understand me?’ The only student in the room who understood my question said “Noooooo”. We are still friends today.

答:我還記得我在中國上的第一節課。學生們臉上洋溢著幸福的笑容,顯得非常熱切。然而,我不確定我是否真的和他們有聯繫,所以在課程結束時我問了他們“大家都能聽懂我的話嗎?”房間裡唯一理解我問題的學生說:“不——!” 直到今天,我們還是朋友。

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